

 Improving the quality of marine waters in ports by limiting emissions from maritime traffic on the environment

Sustainable Development Goals:

GRRinPORT is a project financed by the Interreg Maritime Italy-France Fund aimed at improving the quality of sea water in harbours by limiting the impact of port activity and maritime traffic on the environment. The project aims to define a set of good practices for waste and wastewater management addressed to authorities and users of port areas. In accordance with the principles of resource valorisation and circular economy, it is intended to extend the results of the project to all ports in the Programme area and the Mediterranean in general.

The Port Waste Management Plan is a legal obligation for the Port Authority, but there is a lack of national and cross-border coordination actions to harmonise the way the various categories of waste are managed (both on board vessels and in port) meeting the criteria of accessibility, efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

The objective of GRRinPORT is to redesign port facilities in an eco-sustainable and eco-innovative context through a cross-border cooperation approach, in this specific case among the port cities of Cagliari, Livorno and Ajaccio. The project aims to promote greater information and awareness of port users and to meet the need and confusion of having to adapt to different rules/procedures in each port/country.

The measures introduced by GRRinPORT are the development of Action Plans for the sustainable management of waste, wastewater and sediments, addressed to the authorities managing and users of port areas and the implementation of specific Pilot Actions on wastewater and sediments.

The aim is to contribute to the diffusion of common and virtuous approaches among structures located in different countries of the Mediterranean Sea, enhancing port structures beyond mere functionality, realising or strengthening the connection between waste and wastewater management strategies in the ports involved and in their territories.


MEDSEA activities
Within the GRRinPORT project, the MEDSEA Foundation is involved in the drafting and implementation of the contents of the Communication and Dissemination Plan, in the management of social networks and website, in the preparation of press releases, in the organisation of the events and in the production of multimedia materials.



  • University of Cagliari represented by the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering and the Department of Biomedical Sciences;
  • the General Directorate Agency of the Hydrographic District of Sardinia Region (RAS-ADIS);
  • MEDSEA - Mediterranean Sea and Coast Foundation;
  • University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli represented by Laboratoire Lisa - Umr CnrS6240 Places, Identities, eSpaces and Activity, Corsican Transport Office;
  • University of Pisa represented by the Department of Energy, Systems, Land and Building Engineering;
  • Institute for Environmental Protection and Research represented by the Experimental Section for the evaluation of marine ecological coastal risk based in Livorno.


Funding programme: Interreg Maritime Italia-Francia

Budget of the project: 1.276.054,12 €

Budget MEDSEA: 137.300,00 €

Project duration: 2018-2021 


Official videos of the project: Youtube Channel - GRRinPORT


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Activities, Blu economy, Marine pollution