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At the end of April, a major breakthrough in fire prevention technology was achieved in the forests of San Leonardo. Thanks to pre-fire detection sensors, an IoT (Internet of Things) technology developed and donated by the Vodafone Business in collaboration with Extreme E, in a project coordinated by the MEDSEA Foundation, it is now possible to detect potential fires at their inception, allowing for timely and geolocated emergency responses. 

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The standstill of the Nature Restoration Law, the European law on nature restoration, stalled in its final approval phase in the Council due to the hesitations of some Member States, has further motivated the researchers of the Horizon Rest Coast project, which took place these days, from April 15 to 19, 2024, in the town of Groningen in the Netherlands, concurrently with the twin project WaterLANDS. 

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The PLASTRON project is about to start. With the goal of improving the sustainability of local communities by providing knowledge and tools for collecting and transforming plastic from the coast, in marinas, and at sea, The PLASTRON project,  funded by the Italy-France Maritime Operational Programme 2021-2027, promises  to find local solutions to transform plastic recovered from the seas and celluloid waste into everyday objects, through recycling, using 3D printing. 

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A new co-management model to reorganise marine protected areas, benefiting from all the tools and knowledge provided by the Blue4All project will be soon implemented in Sardinia. Later last month, preliminary meetings for the establishment of a working group composed of operators, professionals, and institutions, coordinated by the Capo Carbonara Marine Protected Area and in collaboration with the MEDSEA Foundation, were held in the Capo Carbonara Marine Protected Area in Villasimius.