Blue Waves
Blue Waves is the first Event about Circular Economy for the Sea in Sardinia, organized by MEDSEA Foundation. A call to action from companies who want to make the difference and from Sardinia to the whole Mediterranean Region
2 July 2021 (h. 17- 20)
Lazzaretto di Cagliari – Live on Facebook.com/medseafoundation and Instagram /medsea_foundation and the video below
Moderator: Alessio Satta, MEDSEA Foundation
- Francesca Santoro, UNESCO
- Pamela Bussi e Marta Monaco, Prada Group
- Marta Maggetti, windsurfer representing Italy at the Olympic Games in Tokyo
- Sofia Bonicalza, athletics champion and future marine biologist
The State of the Circular Economy in Sardinia
- Vania Statzu, MEDSEA Foundation
1# Round Table – Agri-Food for the Environment
Moderator: Vania Statzu, MEDSEA Foundation
- Elisabetta Falchi, Azienda Agricola Falchi
- Carlo Ferrari, Riso iFerrari
- Sebastiano Curreli, Latte Arborea
- Lino Tammaro, Coop Produttori Arborea
- Luisa Camoglio, Casa di Sophia
2# Round Table – Blue Circular Economy for the protection of the marine environment
Moderator: Francesca Santoro, UNESCO
- Francesca Figus, Nieddittas
- Elena Bilardi, Grimaldi Group
- Alessandro Danese, Alterego
- Daniela Ducato, EDIZERO
- Paola Obino, WASTLY
3# Round table – Next stop: Nature as a destination
Moderator: Giulia Eremita, MEDSEA Foundation
- Pierluigi Mele, Aquae Sinis
- Riccardo Cao, Sailover
- Federico Cossu, Le Palmette Cagliari
- Stefania Porcu, Nascar Hotel
Please note that the conference Blue Waves will be held only in Italian Language and will be broadcasted live on MEDSEA social channels (Facebook: medseafoundation / Instagram: medsea_foundation).
Agenda may be subject to change. If you need any info or press material, please write to info@medseafoundation.org

Legal head office: c/o Studio Associato Conti-Via Piemonte, 33-09127 Cagliari (Italy) - Headquarter: Via Nazario Sauro 1, 09123 Cagliari (Italy)
(+39) 070 0950439 | info@medseafoundation.org | medsea@pec.medseafoundation.org
Photos ©: Andrea Alvito, Maurizio Naletto
MEDSEA Logo designed by Stefano Asili