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From the mussel shells farm waste and the Blue Eco Lab with Nieddittas, the new circular bench is born

It is a special bench that was placed last Friday in the Nieddittas space in Piazza Caduti Sul Lavoro in Terralba, Sardinia. The base follows a unique recipe with a mixture of cement, mussel shells ground with sand integration, and scraps from the Orosei marble quarries. The staves were made from Nieddittas production waste, including propylene pallets used for the transport of fish products and plastics recovered from the sea.

The prototype was exhibited on the occasion of the inauguration of the urban space that sees, next to the artwork Ainnantis (from the Sardinian "forward") by the artist Giorgio Casu, a new installation for the new urban green space, the Merkaba, a great star of Three-dimensional David, inspired by the shapes of the Mediterranean Mother Goddess and the company logo.

The bench prototype a new milestone from the MEDSEA's Blue Eco Lab to find circular economy solutions for the sea and the environment, together with Nieddittas and the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering of UniCa - University of Cagliari, under the guidance of the architect and designer of recycling, Paola Riviezzo. The next benches will be mass-produced and will complete the urban furnishing of the space for an excellent and "circular" output of an entirely Sardinian supply chain.

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