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The wind pushes away the last fringe of gray clouds on the Mandriola seafront to make room for the wide October light. It is the mistral, tutelary numen of the III Surfing Festival in S. Vero Milis. The carbonari communication of surfers, usually conveyed by mobile phones, takes place between one meeting and another thanks to the convergence guaranteed by the feast.

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"We are imagining the future", explains Inza Fofana, holding a bag full of rubbish. He left three years ago the Ivory Coast at war and arrived in Italy on a boat, after he crawled up half of the African continent. A guest for months in the Libyan hell. Inza, now eighteen, is one of the many students from the Buccari and Marconi institutes of Cagliari who took part in the "#PlasticFreeGC" initiative, promoted by the general command of the Coast Guard Corps on request of the Ministry of the Environment.

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Coast Day celebrates its 11th anniversary and raises the challenge for a sustainable use of coastal resources. Created in 2008 to promote the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) campaign, coordinated by the United Nations PAP/RAC agency and promoted by the European Union's SMAP programme and the World Bank's METAP project, the event aims to raise awareness among the people of the Mediterranean countries of the value of the coasts, their conservation and protection for sustainable development.


Sardinia like the Sahara? Dispelling false myths helps to better define the threat, which is real and current. It is therefore useful to remember that the phenomenon of desertification does not involve the transformation of "zero kilometer" territories into Saharan expanses with high sand dunes (desertization).