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The Maristanis precision farming project has been awarded with Andrea Liverani

A pioneering award for saving water resources in agriculture: the national Coldiretti Green Oscar has been won by Andrea Liverani, a young drone pilot and partner, together with Coldiretti Oristano, in the activities focused on agriculture that the MEDSEA foundation implements within the Maristanis project, born in 2017 for the conservation and sustainable development of the Gulf of Oristano wetlands.

The prize, conceived and promoted by Coldiretti Youth Enterprise with the patronage of the Ministry of Agricultural Policies and that of Youth Policies, was accompanied by a note that thoroughly explains the importance of the project carried out in Sardinia: "Andrea Liverani was awarded because he has been able to connect different experiences, making technology at the service of healthy agriculture. He is a protagonist, together with the territory, in a new collective challenge that sees innovation and product enhancement combined together”.

Thanks to six cameras, the drone driven by Andrea Liverani is capable of recording the crops’ health, all the criticalities caused by pathogenic attacks, fertilization and water stress. Irrigation based on collected data can lead to water savings of 30%. An extremely relevant number, especially in times of climate change. Frequent, in this area of Sardinia, is the alternation of drought periods and extreme climatic events such as floods. These are phenomena that jeopardize the outcome of crops and the fragile ecosystem balance. The results obtained during the first year of reconnaissance were so relevant that Liverani received new calls from the farmers, and the analyzed surfaces jumped from 50 to 200 hectares.

"We are very proud of having supported this project, and of the award deservedly won by Andrea”. This is how Vania Statzu, vice president of the MEDSEA Foundation and head of the water-saving project in Oristano, commented the news. “With Liverani's drones and the support of Coldiretti we have achieved several objectives: using technological innovation to make water consumption more efficient, minimizing other impacts of agriculture on the environment, and supporting the creation of business and jobs”, Statzu added.

Through the Maristanis project, funded by the MAVA Foundation, MEDSEA has been operating in the Gulf of Oristano since 2017. The concept of "network" has been fundamental since the beginning: MEDSEA collaborates with the fishing, agriculture and crafts sector. Maristanis interacts with schools, scientific research centers, environmental associations and local institutions. Over time, the numerous activities have built the basis for the birth of the “ Coastal Wetlands Contract”, an integrated management model of these precious natural areas that is unique in the Mediterranean basin.

Photo credit © Andrea Liverani

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